Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 23rd

Had Brent Crenshaw on the boat today for the second time this year. Got a couple of bites on topwater and spoons this morning, but could not hold on to them. Caught 2 first thing on bait and no more. Going again in the Am.

Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22cnd

Took ride toward McClelanville this morning, saw some fish in the waterway. Went all the way around Cape Romain to look at the surf. Found some great Surf fishing spots. Cant wait till spring for some surf fishing. Overall the water was much dirtier to the north then we have been seeing. Came back across the bay and found a new school of reds around the high tide. Going fishing tomorrow, will see if they will bite.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 19th

Took Captain Legare Smith of the Artemis fishing today. Water was fairly clear however, the fish were hard to see. We have had a few days of warmer weather and the fish may have separated from the large schools. Fishing was good with 7 large fish between 32-38". Pictures will be posted soon of these waterway monsters.

January 17th

Had Tom Thaxton on board today. Lots of Fog turned to lots of wind and dirty water. Managed to catch 8 decent reds before we were blown back to the dock.

January 15th

Today was the first day in three weeks the temperatures have come out of the forties. Had Mathew and Jake Flemming on board today for their 2cnd trip of the year. Very little wind and very clear water led to some great fishing. Caught over 30 fish in the 20- 30" range.
We did anchor up off of the surf first thing this morning and caught one. Most of our fish came from one school.

January 11th

Had Barry Wilson on the Boat today. Fist time redfishing since our surf fishing trip this Past September. The Sight fishing was Great today. Saw over 1200 fish in 20 schools or better. The fish were very lethargic and we only caught 7. Next trip is Friday.

January 9th

Had Brent Crenshaw on the boat today from Colombia. Its a little warmer today, water was very clear and we had little wind. Fishing was very good. Caught over 20 fish in the 23-29" range.

January 8th

Been in the teens the last 7 nights here in the low country. The water has really cleared up and visibility has been great when the wind is not blowing to much. The fish are biting some but are very lethargic. Caught 7 nice reds

january 3rd

Very Cold but the water is clearing up nicely. Saw a few hundred fish today. The Cold really has them turned off though. Still managed to catch 9 nice Reds.

December 31

The water is still not clear enough to see the large schools that we anticipate this time of year. Had Ryan Ball on the boat today from Raleigh. Only 1 fish today about 27" Long

December 27th

Getting Colder every day, The water has been very muddy with the wind. Should clear up soon with this cold that we are expecting. Caught 4 fish in 25 knots of wind.

December 24th

Merry Christmas, fishing was fair to good, caught 9 fish over 25", one 32".

December 23rd

Tough fishing, very windy. However we were able to scrape out a half dozen nice reds.

December 22cnd

Good fishing, caught a few trout, some small redfish and 8 over 25"